We Need a Community
I cringe every time I see the news. How about you?
No matter where I look, there are disturbing headlines and “breaking” announcements that make me flinch. Don’t get me wrong, I have strong opinions, too, but it’s hard to stay in touch with my inner peace and joy when I’m continuously bombarded by negativity.
I don’t think I’m alone.
I see discouragement and despair on all sides when I pop on a strategy call or visit a school. So many people in the professional I love are struggling right now. The teacher shortage speaks for itself.
I can’t stop thinking about the days when I was the Special Ed Graduate Director at Towson University. I interviewed every teacher candidate with the question, “Why do you want to be a special educator?” Their responses were all different versions of the same theme. Each one had a story of a friend, a sibling, a camper, or student who they connected with. They recounted heartfelt stories of making a difference…moments of feeling fulfilled. And I loved watching them light up at the possibility of more interactions like that.
My favorite moments across my 55 year career are such times. I’m sustained by the memory of that student, that teacher, that leader, that parent who left my presence with a fresh mindset, a new skill or more hope for the future.
I think we need a community now more than ever!
Schools should be joyful inclusion communities!
Good news! My team and I decided to create a Joyful Inclusion Community and you’re all invited!
Will you be at the Council for Exceptional Children Convention in Baltimore?
We’ll be there with an exhibit booth and a presentation.
If you’re attending, come connect with us at Booth 803!