About the Company
Dr. Amy Pleet-Odle founded Inclusion Focused Coaching (IFC) in 2011, partnering initially with a small group of school leaders and their faculties to identify the necessary conditions for teachers to flourish, including leadership endorsement and coaching support.
In each phase, participant feedback was used for ongoing revision and updating approaches.
Phase 1: Mini-workshops
Dr. Amy Pleet-Odle provided live mini-workshops on collaborative teaching and family engagement as requested by school leaders. Those leaders (5 schools) provided reinforcement, but we discovered what’s confirmed in the research — that workshops have little impact on teaching practices.
Phase 2: Refined & expanded mini-workshops + coaching
Dr. Amy Pleet-Odle revised and expanded her collection of mini-workshops based on feedback, adding in-class coaching and leadership expectations (8 schools). We discovered that teachers started experimenting with new practices. A few teachers established new routines and saw improvement in student learning.
Phase 3: Collaborative Teaching Beta Test
Dr. Amy Pleet-Odle created Collaborative Teaching online video- modules with downloadable reflective journals so teachers/leaders could access them flexibly.
Dr. Amy Pleet-Odle conducted a beta test of Collaborative Teaching within Professional Learning Communities (PLC) followed by in-class coaching and leadership reinforcement (6 schools). She used feedback for revision and launched our Inclusion Rounds rubric for evaluating change in teacher practice.
2019-2022 (COVID Disruption)
Phase 4: Joyful Inclusion Field Test
Dr. Amy Pleet-Odle created the Specially Designed Instruction course grounded in new expectations since the Endrew F. Supreme Court Decision (2017) and federally sponsored websites with high leverage and evidence-based practices, featuring cartoon animation scenarios.
Dr. Amy Pleet-Odle field tested Collaborative Teaching online video modules with Teacher & Facilitator Guides (9 schools) and Specially Designed Instruction (1 school). We refined the PLC process and updated the Guides to include virtual learning components. We revised our Inclusion Rounds rubric and established data collection protocols.
Dr. Amy Pleet-Odle piloted Inclusion Coach Breakthrough Course to build capacity of local district coaches (7 local coaches) to support inclusive instructional practices.
Phase 5: IFC Coaches
IFC Inclusion Coaches (6) were subcontracted to provide on-site technical assistance and coaching, using the Joyful Inclusion(R) approach. They implemented Collaborative Teaching and Specially Designed Instruction courses (14 schools).
Dr. Amy Pleet-Odle created Inclusive School Communities online video modules, centered in teacher action research to explore ways that Universal Design for Learning guidelines enhance the effectiveness of teaching and learning. Dr. Amy Pleet-Odle conducted a beta test (1 school).
Dr. Amy Pleet-Odle & IFC Coaches facilitated Inclusion Coach Breakthrough Course, Mastery Course, and Universal Access Course (10 local coaches)
IFC Coaches and new Evaluator contributed to development of Flexible Grouping and Needs Based Inclusive Scheduling supplemental workshops, our Sustainability Blueprint, and the Joyful Inclusion Values Evaluation System (JIVES).
Phase 6: Scale Up
Our team created “Foundations” tools, designed so that each school Principal will be empowered to lead the Joyful Inclusion School Initiative in his/her school.
We are piloting supplemental materials to support paraprofessionals and multi-lingual specialists.
We are using our revised Inclusion Coaching courses to mentor local inclusion coaches, increase local coaching capacity, and incorporate coaching accountability.
Our proven method will expand to 6 states with 3 additional IFC Coaches. We will create replication systems and procedures that structure implementation and allow flexibility to tailor our approach to the unique circumstances of new schools and districts.