Joyful Inclusion Schools
Where ALL learners flourish and teachers love teaching!
Read about the benefits of Joyful Inclusion below and then click here for a more detailed video walk through of our offerings.
Multi Year Comprehensive Systems Change
At Joyful Inclusion we offer professional development that transcends traditional professional development experiences. Our packages are crafted to inspire, engage, and provide practical solutions, fostering enduring change in school communities. Whether you are an administrator seeking inclusive strategies or an educator eager for fresh approaches, we make inclusion attainable. Our Joyful Inclusion Team is dedicated to creating irreversible transformations in our schools.
Below you will find the packages that Joyful Inclusion offers. Our program begins with the Foundations of Inclusion, providing a comprehensive base for leaders. After establishing a solid Foundation, schools advance through the Joyful Inclusion packages at a pace that fits the needs of each school/district.
Foundations of Inclusion
To build leadership and coaching capacity.
Champions Mastermind
Principal’s Accelerator
Monthly Strategy Calls
Mindset Workshops
Joyful Inclusion Coaching - Level I
On-Site Coaching
Collaborative Teaching
To promote schoolwide collaboration, co-teaching, and collective efficacy.
Collaborative Teaching for Student-Centered Learning 2.0 e-Course
Paraprofessionals in Action
Monthly Strategy Calls
On-Site Coaching
Specially Designed Instruction
To expand skills with SDI as
redefined by Endrew F.
Specially Designed
Instruction e-CourseSDI Mini e-Course
Monthly Strategy Calls
Joyful Inclusion Coaching - Level II
On-Site Coaching
Inclusive School Communities
To implement Universal Design
for Learning through Action Research.
Inclusive School Communities e-Course
Monthly Strategy Calls
On-Site Coaching
Sustainability Focus

Download the Joyful Inclusion Packages PDF
Combine SEVEN Special Education specialties into ONE sequential system!
Combining seven special education specialties into one sequential system offers numerous benefits. Rather than having multiple initiatives that confuse your staff, we integrate all seven into one initiative. This streamlined approach ensures consistent implementation of inclusive practice across your school, supporting more learners.
Enhanced collaboration leads to renewed professional satisfaction, mutual support, and teacher retention. Teachers stay with faculties where they belong and can grow together. Ultimately, our approach promotes staff collective efficacy, found to be the #1 indicator of student achievement.
Woven through all of our packages, teachers are encouraged to experiment with evidence-based practices to increase learner engagement and agency, as well as strategies to expand family partnerships.
We go beyond special education paperwork compliance to nurturing the true potential of struggling learners, bringing joy to the hearts of educators and families.
Each Package Includes:
Online Video Modules
Downloadable Teachers’ Journals
Downloadable Facilitators’ Guides
Downloadable Principal’s Guide
JIVES Data Collection & Data Dashboard
Monthly Strategy Calls
The Implementation Models
IFC Inclusion Coach
Inclusion Focused Coaching provides an
IFC Inclusion Coach who directly supports teachers during PLC meetings & classroom visits for encouragement & feedback.
Experienced special education leader.
IFC Screened & grounded in Joyful Inclusion Coaching.
Member of the IFC Inclusion Coach Team.
Structured PD Modules for faculty, tailored to local priorities.
Coaching for strategy implementation.
Guidance with data collection & evaluation.
Increased accountability by an outside expert.
Coordination with Principals & local priorities.
Classroom visits with follow-up feedback.
IFC Inclusion Coach must create new relationships.
IFC Inclusion Coach needs orientation to local policies & procedures.
IFC Inclusion Coach has limited face-to-face availability.
Train the Trainer Coach
Inclusion Focused Coaching provides an IFC Inclusion Coach to:
1) Support leaders & teachers.
2) Mentor local coaches to build local coaching capacity.
District Inclusion Coach is designated by school/district.
IFC Inclusion Coach is an experienced special education leader on the IFC Team.
Structured PD Modules for faculty tailored to local priorities.
Coaching for strategy implementation provided by both IFC Inclusion Coach & local coaches.
Joyful Inclusion Coaching courses for local coaches.
Monthly Coaching Cohort meetings.
IFC Inclusion Coach facilitates data collection & evaluation.
District Inclusion Coach orients IFC Inclusion Coach.
IFC Inclusion Coach mentors District Inclusion Coach.
Builds district capacity for sustainability.
All Coaches coordinate with Principals.
More expensive in the short term.

What People Are Saying about Joyful Inclusion:
“As a Principal I can say that the cost of participating in Dr. Pleet’s Collaborative Teaching e-Course with the coaching course is minimal in comparison to the priceless benefit it will provide to your staff. It completely meets the mark in looking at the idea of professional development being an ongoing opportunity for educators to learn invaluable strategies that will forever change their classrooms.”
— Michele Savage, Principal
“I came into the world of special education as a parent and a parent leader with huge hopes that inclusion and high expectations for all of our children would surely come to be in years, not decades. How naive! Knowing and working with Dr. Amy Pleet-Odle always restores my belief that we can do this. She is that rare professional, advocate, and parent who has not just the knowledge and experience but also the abiding commitment to actualizing inclusion - of students, of families, of professionals, of education leaders and of policymakers - in holistic and sustainable change.”
— Debra A. Jennings,
Director SPAN Parent Advocacy Network
“We really didn’t know what we didn’t know until Dr. Amy Pleet-Odle came to us to provide professional development in the area of co-teaching. Many times, the special educator gets ignored when it comes to PD, and we assume that they understand what co-teaching should look like. Through the Collaborative Teaching e-Course, our special educators and general educators now understand the different collaborative teaching structures and utilize them on a daily basis. The improvement we have seen in the instruction delivered to our neediest students is dramatic!”
— Dr Rick Evans, Principal
The cost is determined by the number of schools with a site license, the Inclusion Coach Implementation Option that you select, number of IFC coaching days, and whether you opt in to other support options (such as having our founder present at your Joyful Inclusion Launch). We’ll tailor your package to fit your needs!
Most school districts can only make financial commitments one year at a time. We’re used to that. But if teachers believe this is a one-year commitment, you may have less buy-in than if you communicate that this is a multi-year initiative, aimed at updating and sustaining your inclusive service delivery system.
Yes. Most districts commit to the Foundation year with the intention of continuing. Remember that leadership commitment has a huge influence on teacher motivation to adopt new approaches.
Teachers will need Inclusion Coaching to support their improved practice. There are two options for Inclusion Coaches:
Option 1: Inclusion Focused Coaching provides an IFC Inclusion Coach.
Option 2: Inclusion Focused Coaching provides an IFC Inclusion Coach to mentor school/district coaches with inclusive strategies.(see above)
Let’s talk about the best option for you.
Yes! Here’s a template for a job description you can use in recruiting your Inclusion Coach. Download and adapt it to fit your local situation.
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 specifies the requirements for provision of services for students with disabilities. These packages are designed to provide sequential professional learning opportunities for your special and general education teachers (and paraprofessionals), aimed at improving their teaching effectiveness. While the Joyful Inclusion Packages will not solve the national teacher shortage, we’ve learned that teachers who experience the rewards of gains in student learning are more likely to stay in the profession. Research indicates that teachers will gravitate to districts that have professional growth support systems.
The courses are designed to expand the skills of Inclusion Coaches as they implement the sequence of Joyful Inclusion. Each intensive course includes online video tutorials, a book study, and monthly coaching meetings. Inclusion Coaches who submit evidence of implementation will earn Joyful Inclusion Coach Certificates.

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