Joyful Inclusion Stories
These stories were submitted by teachers to share their ideas for building joyful connections with colleagues, students and families. Watch for ideas you could adapt to your situation!
Easy as Pie
Jenn Opdyke is a kindergarten teacher who used PBIS strategies to build connections with her students and their families, including her own son. Watch how she created a community with the big celebration!
Kindness Zone
Cheryl Hickey, a retired 3rd grade teacher describes several ways she promoted kindness and connection in her classroom that strengthened learner confidence, peer connections, and a supportive learning community.
The Game of Life
Derek Alexander, Business Consultant, Delaware Division for the Visually Impaired, describes how he uses the Game of Real Life to teach self-advocacy to students from age 4 through graduation during school “down times”. In this ongoing process, connections are forged between students and between families.
Superpower – Believing in Success
Rose Ann Daltoso, Special Educator, New Mexico, shares a few stories about how her connections with young children and her belief in them played out. Can you imagine building a learning community when you’re the only teacher on campus during the pandemic shut-down? See what happens if you start with the assumption that “There is a way – I just have to figure it out!”
Expert Learners
Check out these stories to find ideas that you can adapt to your classroom or situation. Let us know if YOU have a story to share!
Today Matters
Cheryl Hickey, a retired 3rd grade teacher, shared how she taught ALL her students to “sparkle & shine” through tracking how often she gave each student daily affirmations for positive behaviors and some got a remote control!
Choose Your Group
Meg Knapp shares a strategy her high school chemistry teacher used to support students to develop the skills needed to work in groups of their choice as expert learners!
How could you adapt this for your students?
Using an Ungraded Approach
Deanna Lough, English Teacher/ Dept Chair & Instructional Coach, Delaware, wanted to combat teacher burnout/ demoralization. She felt that she was thwarted in her commitment to improve learning outcomes by students who were “grade grabbing.” Her learning journey to more joyful teaching will inspire your creativity.
Coteaching for Expert Learners
Co-Teachers, Stephanie Coffman, and Special Educator, Ashley Smith, shared how they collaborated to foster awareness of expert learning with their diverse group of third graders. In the process, they built a supportive community of respect and belonging. For more info: and Loui Lord Nelson’s podcast: UDL in 15 Minutes