Joy of Professional Growth
“Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy, and creativity. It is the source of hope, empathy, accountability, and authenticity. If we want greater clarity in our purpose or deeper and more meaningful spiritual lives, vulnerability is the path.”
Have you discovered Brene Brown? I have eagerly read her books and embraced her wisdom. She is a researcher at the University of Houston, exploring the debilitating force of shame and the power of courage. She has popularized discussion of vulnerability. Her work inspires me to admit what I don’t know, to ask others for their perspectives, to care about their struggles, and to request personal support for perseverance on my journey.
Last week I attended the Delaware Women’s Leadership in Education Conference. I was thrilled to be surrounded with hundreds of energetic women bravely striving to improve education across the state.
The environment was empowering, and the speakers shared glimpses into their personal journeys. I’ve been to countless conferences, but something was different here. I couldn’t put my finger on it until a few days later.
Then – after some reflection – I realized that something was missing!
It has been missing lately in my consulting work in schools, too. I hope you have been fortunate enough to experience it missing where you work!!! What is it, you wonder?
What’s missing is a “know-it-all” attitude! Surprise! I haven’t encountered anyone in months who folds arms and says “Oh, I already know all that.” Instead of competition, I witness collaboration, cooperation, and mutual support.
How has this happened? I don’t know if I’ve changed, if people are evolving, or if I’ve just been lucky. How refreshing to work with people who are open to learning, who are willing to hear another perspective, who are willing to be vulnerable and admit they don’t have it all figured out! Instead, these people fully embrace the challenges of personal and professional growth. They also enthusiastically embrace the joy of victories! Best of all, they work as teams. They cheer each other on!
The participants at last week’s Women’s Leadership Conference were willing to set aside their egos to be authentic and vulnerable about their journey. They listened to confessed struggles with compassion and encouragement. I witnessed countless introductions, where a connector matched one women with another who could contribute to her support network. What a joyous experience!
Later this week, I’ll be in Indianapolis presenting at the Council for Exceptional Children Convention. I’ll be seeking information and expert perspectives about the Endrew F Supreme Court decision and Specially Designed Instruction to expand the effectiveness of my new video tutorials. There is always so much more for me to learn and this conference will be rich with opportunities. I find comfort in associating with other eager learners! But this trip, I’ll also be on the lookout for positive, courageous, vulnerable people. Now that I have a sense of what’s possible, I choose to associate with others who know the joy of vulnerability, courage, empathy, accountability, and authenticity within professional growth. How about you? Do you associate with others who thrill with the joy of professional learning? It’s contagious!
Thank you Brene for giving us words to describe this possibility!
Coming Summer 2019!
Specially Designed Instruction
7 video tutorials on implementing high leverage special education practices.
Beta version now in field test
Download SDI Tutorials flier