Are you FORMing your 2025?
Happy New Year!
This is the time of year when most of us reflect on our past and FORM our commitments for the coming year. For fun, I thought you’d enjoy a bit of word whimsey on the root word FORM to accompany your ponderings.
This is a FORMative time in the development of schools as authentic, inclusive school communities. Too often teachers and students conFORM to FORMer historic patterns of behavior that viewed students with disabilities as deFORMed or malFORMed. Our perspectives and expectations are so habitual, it’s almost as if we were chloroFORMed.
No matter what advocates do to inFORM people’s actions, we have seen little reFORM. Their efforts are viewed as a FORMality or simply changing the FORMat we use. At Joyful Inclusion, we’ve FORMed the opinion that instead of explaining a strategic FORMula, we need to transFORM the way people think.
The FORMation of new beliefs comes when we discover that our perception of those with disabilities is inaccurate -- these children are not uniFORM. In fact, their potential is unFORMed (unlimited) and will be shaped by the declarations of inFORMants -- those nonconFORMist people who know them best, see their potential, and set high standards.
Have you FORMatted your plan for 2025?
Speaking of FORMing your plan….
Announcing the new Mastermind for Special Ed Leaders
Special Ed Champions Mastermind
A mastermind where you can align with others who deal with the same challenges and have also made a commitment to transform their special education programs in 2025. We’ve created tools to help your process and strengthen your influence skillset.