Visionary Project Highlights
Amy Pleet-Odle, Ed.D
Inclusion Focused Coaching, LLC
Kelsey R. Ortiz, M.P.A.
Director, iDEC
Learn more about Amy’s Visionary Projects & Speaker Offerings.
Provision of Special Education Online
A 3 Part Webinar Series
Webinar 1: Parents or Practitioners?
Clarifying responsibilities of caretakers and practitioners of students with disabilities in remote learning environments.
Questions addressed:
What does IDEA say about the role of parents or caretakers should have in their child's education?
Have there been hearing decisions related to the role of parents or caretakers in remote and online learning environments?
What does research say about how parents or caretakers support their child with a disability in remote and online learning environments?
What are the differences between the duties of a special education teacher and parent or caretaker in remote learning environments?
Webinar 2: Considerations for FAPE in Remote Learning
Exploring three research findings related to Free Appropriate Public Education in remote learning environments
Questions addressed:
What does recent OCR guidance say about technology and students with disabilities ?
Should the IEP change in remote and online learning environments?
How can hardware and software impact the provision of a FAPE?
Should assistive technologies be added to remote and online learning environments?
Webinar 3: Safe & Sound Tele-Practice Guidelines
Tips to ensure related services provided through tele-practice align with IDEA and related service professional ethics and standards for practice.
Questions addressed:
What is tele-practice?
What does IDEA say about tele-practice?
When is tele-practice appropriate and NOT APPROPRIATE for students with disabilities?
What supports should schools provide to parents/caretakers when children receive therapy via tele-practice?

Have a Visionary Project you would like to bring to life?
*These webinars are not legal advice. There are countless variables in provision of special education, especially online. Strategies must be appropriately selected for each situation, and implementation requires support and feedback. The intention of these webinars is to share research findings and provide examples useful for families.