What support do you need?
Leading inclusive change is hard. I want to make it easier for you and I have an idea…
Since 2008, I’ve been working with district special education leaders and school administrators who were committed to improving their special education delivery system. They were frustrated with the achievement gap and the long term implications for students with disabilities who left school unprepared for post-school learning and employment.
Over and over, I’ve seen their deep commitment to build the capacity of their staff. They were worried about new teachers who lacked experience with individualizing and personalizing instructional and behavioral strategies. They were also concerned about seasoned teachers who were attached to outdated approaches that just weren’t working. Under it all, they wanted to address serious teacher turnover issues.
In partnership with visionary leaders, I co-created experimental professional development approaches. Some of those approaches didn’t work and we abandoned them. Others sparked teachers’ creativity, and we expanded them.
At every opportunity, we used what we learned in one district to improve our approach across all districts. I am deeply grateful for the input (both positive and constructive) that has shaped the direction of Joyful Inclusion®.
Since 2019, 907 teachers and 33 local coaches in 7 districts have participated in Joyful Inclusion®! As we plan for the 2024-25 school year, I want to share what we’ve learned. Whether you will become a Joyful Inclusion® school or you are pursuing systems change on your own, I know you could benefit from our experience.
So here’s my idea…
I want to offer a free webinar in late April tailored to YOUR needs!
What topic would you like? What’s your biggest challenge right now?
I’ve created a little survey for you to complete so I can design a webinar that addresses your biggest concerns.
Will you take 5 minutes to give me your input?