The Joyful Inclusion Coaching Team
There’s a bright future ahead!
When I started my Inclusion Coaching business ten years ago, I was determined to find the answer to this riddle:
What would it take to create a simplified, sequential approach to updating all aspects of inclusive special education practices that would empower school leaders, inspire teachers, engage families, and promote student success?
Partnering with visionary school leaders, I experimented with different methods and had more than my share of breakdowns!
Over time, the Joyful Inclusion® system evolved.
Fast forward to 10 years later… I’m now managing 13 amazing team members who live all over the world!!
I trusted my instincts and selected seven awesome inclusion coaches.
Last week, the coaching team met in-person for our first team-building retreat!
We nestled into two cozy Airbnbs in Harper’s Ferry, West Virginia to get acquainted and share our career journeys as leaders in special education and related fields.
We analyzed the challenges facing schools and envisioned a world where students with disabilities belong, teachers love their jobs, and families partner for student success.
Our combined passion and commitment exploded exponentially, resulting in a powerful mastermind and a vision of bright possibilities.
What’s next?
The new Joyful Inclusion Coaches are ready!
We have aligned on our purpose.
They each come with a wealth of experience and a driving commitment to improving special education program effectiveness. They’re ready to go on-site into school PLCs and classrooms to facilitate Joyful Inclusion® opportunities for professional growth and provide empowerment coaching.
Some of these coaches have already been assigned to districts that have licensed the Joyful Inclusion® Packages for the coming school year!
The rest will be assigned to districts when proposals are converted into approved agreements.
Introducing our Joyful Inclusion Coaching Team for the 2022-23 school year!
After all coaches have been assigned, other interested districts will be added to our waiting list for the 2023-24 school year when we will expand our coaching team.
Interested? Visit the Inclusion Coach Team page to learn more!