Personalized Professional Development
It’s obvious everywhere I go that teachers are overwhelmed with too many isolated sessions of professional development.
This is especially true if they are not provided the other pieces of the puzzle (see my earlier blog) that support them to practice the new approaches. On the other hand, teachers I’ve met are committed to their own professional growth. They want information that is directly useful for their own practice. They want supports for their own learning that can be personalized. I’ve been brainstorming about this dilemma for quite some time. I decided to put that brainstorm into action.
I chose my focus topic – collaborative teaching – a topic that is central in my new book and frequently requested for consultation. I broke the topic into skill area chunks and planned the content for each module. Having a commitment to integrating multiple disciplines, I incorporated key concepts from secondary transition, youth empowerment, collaborative learning, and family engagement.
Because I wanted each module to be directly useful for each teacher, I created a list of Opportunity Options for practice in expanding competence in that skill area. What I especially like about my design is that collaborative teaching partners can personalize the ways they pursue their own growth depending on their preferences, their experience and their own professional goals.
I recruited the skills of a professional videographer (Rob Zogby) and my webdesigner/ animator (Richard Wright). This week it all came together when we gathered in my home “studio” to film video clips to introduce each module. I learned a great deal about accoustics, light deflection, animation, and keeping my energy up.
I was surprised to discover how many “takes” I could do until Rob – he is a professional, after all – was satisfied with the footage for each ten minute video.
The best part of the design is that teachers will be able to watch the video clips where it works best – in their collaborative planning meetings or at home with their favorite beverage. When I am with them in their school, I can spend our precious time observing their practice and providing coaching in the areas for professional growth they select. I look forward to our next film shoot, but I have learned something about myself. I am NOT destined to be a movie star. Once we finish filming the rest of the modules, I’ll be able use my energy working directly with teachers – what I enjoy most.