Janus: The God of Endings & Beginnings

The ancient Greeks believed that things happened because of divine interference. Mythology is rich with stories of gods and goddesses that explain everything. This time of year reminds me of the story of Janus, the god of endings and beginnings.

He is pictured as having two faces — one facing backwards, one facing forwards. The month of January was named after him — for new beginnings, but don’t forget his other face — endings.

So as 2023 comes to a close, first, we look back.

What will you remember about this year? This has been a year of painful conflict and taking sides as individuals, as a nation, and across the globe. I’ll invite you to take a moment to focus on yourself and your life:

  • What has 2023 been for you? 

  • Were there any remarkable events

  • As you look back, were there moments where you showed up courageously

  • Were there moments that you’d like a do-over?

  • Did you accomplish anything remarkable - (and by the way, first small steps towards a big dream ARE remarkable)? 

  • Were there moments where you showed up as a good friend?

  • Did you show heart-felt appreciation for those who showed up for you? 

As we look forward to 2024, I’ll ask similar questions. What will you create?

  • What do you dream about having in your life?

  • What could you do to have that (begin with small steps)? 

  • What do you want to stop or let go of that might be getting in the way? 

  • Who will you gather as your support squad (existing or new) who will encourage you and hold you accountable to be your greatest self?

  • What will make this year different

I’ll invite you to share your reflections below in the comments. Sometimes putting it in writing makes it more real. I’ll go first….

For me, 2023 was a year of struggling with balance — learning how to manage time and energy conflicts that have pulled me in two compelling directions: first, rewarding 12 hour days with my consulting practice AND second, quality home time with my family in our garden and enjoying our grandson. I’ve learned to be in the “present” more, no matter what I’m doing. I’ve hushed that little voice that says I should be doing something different. It’s not perfect, but it helps!

2023 was also a year of rapid professional growth. Our team has expanded to 15 along with systems and procedures that will allow us to scale up in the new year to serve more schools. I’m grateful for these amazing team members who challenge me to expand my dream of what’s possible. 

Regrets? I wish I knew a year ago what I know now. I think I could have been a better leader and coach and human. But I’m wise enough to know that I’ll be better next year than I am today, so… no regrets - only seeking continuous growth.

I have two visions for 2024.

I will do whatever it takes for Joyful Inclusion to expand and grow. It’s becoming apparent that we’re bringing clarity, belonging, joy, and professional satisfaction to schools. We have to keep that going!

At the same time, I intend to empower my team members to step forward as leaders so that I can step back. Before my 80th birthday, I want to become the Chief Visionary Officer and let others manage the operations. Then I can spend more time enjoying my garden and my family.

What about you? I hope you’ll share!


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